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"Simon von Krolock" audio

Seid ihr bereit???

I recently received an audio track from one of the shows... and who better to share it with than all of you.

It brings back so many memories. A few things you may not know about playing the role of Krolock:

  1. Walking through the audience at the beginning is probably the most nervous I was throughout the whole show.

  2. Singing with the teeth in your mouth is a lot easier than you think it is.

  3. The graveyard doesn't feel as steep as it looks when you run down it.

Comment with your favourite song :-)

And with that... enjoy.


Gott ist Tot

Einladung zum ball

Draußen ist Freiheit

Act 1 Finale

Totale Finsternis

He Ho He

Die Unstillbare Gier


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Unknown member
Jan 18

OMG 😍😧🙈😭 can't belevie what I'm hearing here. So much Simon Krolock. I love every second of it and this will be what I am listening too the next days and weeks. Thanks for sharing. It came at the right time!


Unknown member
Jan 15

das weckt sofort wunderschöne "schaurige" Erinnerungen, mein Lieblingslied: Die unstillbare Gier 😍... vielen Dank für´s Teilen ... so lässt sich die vampirlose Zeit besser überbrücken 😂


Unknown member
Jan 14

Yesss, wir sind definitiv bereit! 🎉

Thank you so much for sharing your Krolock songs with us. I really love and enjoy listening to all of them again, especially in these vampire-less times! 🧛🏻‍♂️ 🤗 Actually I have already searched YouTube for a recording with you as Krolock and have found something. But the sound quality of the recordings here is so much better! 😉🤩 Favourite song? It will always be the "Unstillbare Gier'!😊


Unknown member
Jan 13

As much as I hate phones in the audience, I love these audios. It brings back so many wonderful memories of this run of TdV🫶🏼


Unknown member
Jan 13

Wow, thank you for sharing!

Brings back all the amazing memories! 🫂

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